Bhramananthu Oil
A sound sleep with a cool head and a relaxed mind is something that many of us crave for. Today’s busy and monotonous life schedules have robbed many people of their healthy sleep pattern worldwide. Bhramananthu Oil is one such boon for those experiencing unmanageable stress, trouble sleeping and balance problems.
Our Product
The people around the world had been suffering from various kinds of diseases since time immemorial. Ayurveda is a science with a divine origin exclusively aimed at the good health of the mankind.
As we all know, the goal of Ayurveda is:
“Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam; Aturasya vikara prasamanam.” Ayurveda aims at curing the disease of the sick and maintaining the good health of the healthy. We are glad to be a part of this gifted science and we whole- heartedly present our product, “BHRAMANANTHU OIL” for the society.
Directions to use
Apply 15-20 drops of
Bhramanathu oil on the
apex of the head.
15 min, take a headbath
or wipe off the oil
completely with cotton.
It is especially beneficial
if used at bedtime for
those who suffer from
sleep related disorders.